
COVID Model Projections - February 4, 2022

The BC COVID-19 Modelling team issued their [seventeenth report](/post/2022-02-04-report/COVID19group-2022-02-04.pdf) on the status of COVID-19 in British Columbia (February 4th, 2022). This report focuses on the Omicron variant, which is spreading rapidly in Canada, even among those fully vaccinated.

COVID Model Projections - January 19, 2022

The BC COVID-19 Modelling team issued their [sixteenth report](/post/2022-01-19-report/COVID19group-2022-01-19.pdf) on the status of COVID-19 in British Columbia (January 19th, 2022). This report focuses on the Omicron variant, which is spreading rapidly in Canada, even among those fully vaccinated. Erratum: Slide #17 was corrected (January 25th), because the wrong graph was originally included on the right for Scenario #2 (with a mean hospital stay of 12 days rather than 6 days, as stated); the conclusions remain unaffected.

COVID Model Projections - January 6, 2022

The BC COVID-19 Modelling team issued their [fifteenth report](/post/2022-01-06-report/COVID19group-2022-01-06.pdf) on the status of COVID-19 in British Columbia (January 6th, 2022). This report focuses on the Omicron variant, which is spreading rapidly in Canada, even among those fully vaccinated.

COVID Model Projections - December 22, 2021

The BC COVID-19 Modelling team issued their [fourteenth report](/post/2021-12-22-report/COVID19group-2021-12-22.pdf) on the status of COVID-19 in British Columbia (December 22nd, 2021). This report focuses on the Omicron variant, which is spreading rapidly in Canada, even among those fully vaccinated.

COVID Model Projections - December 8, 2021

The BC COVID-19 Modelling team issued their [thirteenth report](/post/2021-12-08-report/slides-2021-12-08.pdf) on the status of COVID-19 in British Columbia (December 8, 2021). This report focuses on the Omicron variant which poses a substantial risk for spreading rapidly in Canada, even among those fully vaccinated.

COVID Model Projections - November 24, 2021

The BC COVID-19 Modelling team issued their [twelfth report](/post/2021-11-24-report/slides-2021-11-24.pdf) on the status of COVID-19 in British Columbia (November 24, 2021), summarizing the state of COVID-19 in the province and modelling projections using the different approaches taken by various team members.

COVID Model Projections - October 27, 2021

The BC COVID-19 Modelling team issued their [eleventh report](/post/2021-10-27-report/slides-2021-10-27.pdf) on the status of COVID-19 in British Columbia (October 27, 2021), summarizing the state of COVID-19 in the province and modelling projections using the different approaches taken by various team members. In the video accompanying this report, [Dr. Eric Cytrynbaum](/authors/cytryn/) walks you through these results and highlights the take home messages.

COVID Model Projections - October 7, 2021

The BC COVID-19 Modelling team issued their [tenth report](/post/2021-10-07-report/slides-2021-10-07.pdf) on the status of COVID-19 in British Columbia (October 7, 2021), summarizing the state of COVID-19 in the province and modelling projections using the different approaches taken by various team members. In the video accompanying this report, [Dr. Eric Cytrynbaum](/authors/cytryn/) walks you through these results and highlights the take home messages.

COVID Model (Interim) Projections - September 15, 2021

Given the changing COVID-19 situation in BC, the BC COVID Modelling Group has issued an [update](/post/2021-09-15-interimreport/slides.pdf) to their [ninth report](/post/2021-09-01-report/) on the status of COVID-19 in British Columbia (September 15, 2021).

COVID Model Projections - September 1, 2021

The BC COVID-19 Modelling team issued their [ninth report](/post/2021-09-01-report/slides.pdf) on the status of COVID-19 in British Columbia (September 1, 2021), summarizing the state of COVID-19 in the province and modelling projections using the different approaches taken by various team members. In the video accompanying this report, [Dr. Eric Cytrynbaum](/authors/cytryn/) walks you through these results and highlights the take home messages.